
Darius I, Persian Emperor

510 BCE

Over the past few months, our military campaigns have taken us deeper and deeper into the Vedic states which reside in these valleys.  The Indus valley is indeed a beautiful country. Along with this territorial prize, a wonderful discovery has been made. Some of my men have found a plant which produces something which when applied onto food, makes them sweet! It is amazing. We have found honey without the bees. But I shall make sure to keep the secret of this substance carefully kept. It will be exported and sold at a very high price. This way, the Empire can gain great profit from its discovery.

Muslim Caliph

642 CE

Now that G0d has aided us in our fight and helped to conquer the land of Persia, we have found something nice. The Persians have been growing a plant which produces a sweet substance in the form of white powder. This ingredient is used in many foods instead of honey as a sweetener. This is much easier and should be of use for all of those whom Allah has given to us to care for under our rulership. Indeed, it is being produced in all Muslim lands currently.

John Lenone, British Citizen, Resident of London

1099 CE

It has been some months since the pilgrims of the First Crusade have returned victorious from the Holy City of Jerusalem. Along with them they have brought a happily received item from the East. In my walking through the market streets I have been seeing notices for this new product. “Sugar: White Gold of the East.” Everybody prefers it to honey, but since it is expensive,and consumed only as a luxury.



We have imported sugar cane to the “New World” and it has been growing amazingly. The tropical climate of these lands has allowed a substantial amount of crops to grow. It seems that here in this primitive side of the world there are at home!

Government Press Release


Sugar is now everywhere. We have lifted the tax on red sugar. We have reached earth. We wonder why we’re here.



A Day in the Wild

Through the tall grass of the Savannah plains, brown forms can be spotted. A pack of hyenas are on the prowl. Food has eluded them for days, and they are very hungry. Ahead of them a herd of gazelle is grazing. The pack moves closer, with the females in the lead. Suddenly, one leaps forward. All of the gazelle scatter. But the pack flanks one of the backtracking gazelle and bring it down by grabbing it by its hindquarters. Excitedly, the pack begins to feast. After several moments of joyful victory, one the feeding hyenas perks his ears. Danger is approaching. A lion nears. No, not a lion. nOt now, they all think. They tense up because they are afraid. One lion means more lions and lions are bad. But the pack has a tactic: they run about yipping and yapping circling the lion. Hopefully, the lion will flee and never return. Fortunately, it worked this time. With a yelp, the lion runs away, and the pack can continue feasting on their prey in peace.

Wheat, Now Also GMO

Mendel Groner

Professor Sassone

ENG 101

8 December, 2015
On Monday, the 7th of December, Monsanto announced their newest in the line of genetically modified organisms: wheat.

Titled MON 1738, this new category of wheat opens a plethora of options. The company can take out glutens from the wheat, making it much easier to produce gluten-free wheat products. Gluten free bread from before was grown with gluten, but is extracted from the flour. The company can also modify the nutritional content of the food, raising the protein level, or he amount of fiber. Many Americans do not get enough fiber and this could very much supplement one’s diet.

The company has been testing GMO wheat for the past decade and has been approved by the FDA over a decade ago, in 2004, but has refrained from publishing the product. Now, the company says, it is confident that the newly released organism will be widely received by laypeople and experts alike.

There has been obvious resistance to the company’s announcement. Groups of protesters stood outside Monsanto’s headquarters, in Missouri. They desire an “end to chemical poisoning” and “treacherous treating of plants.”

A conspiracy developed in the 80’s, when the company monopolized the genetically modified crop industry that Monsanto is part of a New World Order which will subdue and oporess people’s independency and free will through slowly and sneakily inserting long-acting chemicals into their bodies through their various chemical engineering techniques. No investigation after such claims has been made by any official group. As Monsanto continues to modify more and more staple foods, regular soccer moms are beginning to worry and find validation in these theories.

“I feed it to my children. It’s nutritious and tasty, and they love it,”  says Mary Granderson, mother of three in White Lake, Michigan. “But it worries me that these scientists are putting God knows what into these foods. Who even are they? Are they human? I don’t know. What they’re doing is extraordinary, so they may not be.”

Meanwhile Obama is allowing the country to wallow in confusion. “The FDA has approved the food; there is no reason to worry about extraterrestrial conspiracies,” said a White House spokesman in a press release this morning which was in response to growing public worry.

Although it seems outlandish, it is an illustration of the fact that people don’t know what is in their food and want to have clear answers.


Goodbye, Cereal

Dear Cereal,

Hello. How are you? It has been so long since we last saw each other. I used to pull you out of the cabinet at any time throughout the day and you were there to comfort me. I enjoyed so much your sweet sugary delight and wheat substance all awash in cold white milk. It would hit the spot, you know. But alas, the times have changed.

When I awake in the morning, I immediately set about preparing the making of an omelet. For some reason, only warm, hot food could satiate my hunger now. It is strange, but I feel that my innards have shifted and can no longer tolerate that which they could have some time ago.

How have you been faring? In the arms of whom have you been consoled in the event of my absence? Are there those who still eat you, cereal?

It feels so strange talking to you as a stranger; when in fact our bond was (I thought) eternal. It felt that way then. Indeed, the times have changed.

Perhaps its best that we leave things as they are. I’m sorry  for disrupting the silence which hath lain between us.

I wish you the best,


Burnt: A Comparative Review

Mendel Groner

Professor Sassone

ENG 101

November 2015

The Passion of the Cuisine

The movie Burnt is about a highly-skilled but terribly tormented man who feels that he is not adding enough to the table. His redemption comes when he realizes that not only does he add to the table, but the table is set because of him. He sees how so many other people need him to sustain their inspiration and continue with their passion and lust for perfect cuisine. When he finds that out, he feels at peace with himself and others. He begin to see the value — nay, necessity — of teamwork in the kitchen, and in all monstrously difficult achievements, including drug addiction.

Bradley Cooper acts as Adam Jones, a harsh, perfectionist, short-tempered chef who has ruined his career due to drug use and destructive behavior. He appears ten years later in the city of London, aiming to open a restaurant which will attain three michelin stars — one of the highest forms of regard a restaurant can achieve. He recruits a team and a sponsor to open his restaurant, Adam Jones: The Langham. Some of his team are acquaintances from Paris, where he worked before his ten year interlude. Some are new fresh faces. One of them is Helene (Sienna Miller), a single mother in whom Adam saw true skill. Over the course of the story, a romance between the two blossoms.

First thing, I’d like to say which was most prominent of the movie’s flaws: too much screen time was invested in the relationship between Adam and Helene. It was unnecessary, because Jones’ liberation came about completely regardless of her presence. It feels like it was just put in the movie because the director thought it would be boring without a significant romance involved, or because the main plot isn’t substantial enough. The character’s distress had not begun with her and she didn’t end it; it began ten years earlier with his original kitchen crew, all under the supervision of master chef John Luke, Adam’s mentor and father figure. Adam has felt like he failed John by not acting ethically. John, who was everything to him, was — in his eyes — disapproving of him. That is not immediately clear in the beginning of the movie. It is gradually unraveled by the plot that that is the source of his current drive to make a new restaurant and keep away from drugs. But, when at a pivotal point in the film, he believes (wrongly) that he has failed at his mission, he relapses. This is showing that up until now, he was only suppressing his inclination to get high, because he still didn’t feel at peace; something was missing in his conscious and heart that was pushing him over the edge. Two events occur which radically change this. One, is that after his relapse, he ends up at the restaurant of his rival, Reece (Matthew Rhys). In seeing Adam’s plight, Reece explains how Adam is truly a much better chef than his peers, and he is the one who kept the spirit going when they were under John Luke. Shortly afterwards, Luke’s daughter, Anne Marie (Lily James) presents Adam with her father set of knives. She says, “He sharpened them before he died. He said, ‘Adam likes everything perfect.’” With this, Adam realizes how much he meant to the person who meant the most to him. He is calm in the kitchen now, and enjoys when the kitchen works as a team rather than in a oppressive frenzy. This entire development is very believable. In any case, one can see how the romance has nothing to do with Adam’s personal journey to redemption.

I have recently read Marcus Sammuelson’s autobiography titled “Yes, Chef.” In it, Sammuelson chronicles his journey from Ethiopia to France to New York and everything in between. One attempts to draw parallels between these two stories of two great chefs, one fictitious, and one real. Such an individual may find it difficult. In certain fundamental ways, the two perhaps share mutual ideas, but in character and behavior and even taste, Adam and Marcus differ. First, let’s start with the passion for the cuisine. In this, they are both equally ambitious. In one of the beginning scenes, Jones remarks “When I was 16, I took all the money I had in savings and spent it on a one-way ticket to Paris” (Burnt). He went to Paris to work in a restaurant for none or very little pay. Marcus early steps follow a similar path. He went from place to place, always with just enough money to get where he was headed.

Work ethic. Both marcus and Adams are hard workers. It seems that that is an inseparable part of being a chef. Too long hours, high pressure. But the two people deal with it in different ways. While Marcus says that no matter how high the pressure was, “I was always working with a sense of urgency, not panic” (189). Marcus mentions how, for years, he would vomit every day because of the pressure. He seemed, however, to deal with it in a very mature and admirable way. Jones, on the other hand, when in the kitchen is the angriest chef in the world. Practically every third word coming out of his mouth while directing the kitchen was a curse word. He is constantly worried and throwing finished dishes at the wall because he doesn’t believe that they’re good enough. He also had a serious drug problem in his former years. It is implied that this was due to the amount of pressure he felt to perform. In fact, at the culmination of the movie, when Adam is redeemed, he is calm and patient as chef.

 One of the emphases in Marcus’ ideas about food is the diversity of it. He wishes to veer from the traditional dishes and french ways of making certain foods, and wants to blend all the amazing flavors of all the different ethnicities which he’s seen and come to know. He wants to make something that has many cultures speaking in it as one. While the movie does not stress this idea about Jones’, it seems that this is what he wants too. There is a montage where he is travelling through different areas of London, tasting different exotic ingredients and foods and asking about them, reminiscent of Marcus’ travels through New York City. He also mentions how he “wants to make people have a culinary orgasm” (Burnt) and goes on to explain how he wants his food to blow people away. From all this it is derived that he too wishes to introduce something new to the history of fine dining, even while still retaining the tradition he had learnt in Paris years ago.

Overall, the tale of Adam Jones is very different from Marcus Samuelson’s story. Adam Jones is a broken man looking to be fixed, while Marcus is a hard worker who wants to prove his worth to himself and his loved ones. But the underlying current of the two is the passion of the cuisine. Like religious zealotry, it cannot be waived as unrelatable and ambitious blindness to outsiders attempting to understand the way of the Crusaders. This tenet is a unifying chain which is perhaps stronger than the distinctive individual plights of these two great chefs. So, in a way, “Yes, Chef” and “Burnt” are two in a series of “the passion of the cuisine”, and in another way, they are two separate stories about two separate quandaries which one can find his or herself trapped in.


Works Cited

Burnt. Dir. John Wells. Perf. Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller. The Weinstein Company, 2015. Film.

Samuelsson, Marcus. Yes, Chef: A Memoir. New York: Random House, 2012. Print.


Passover Pastime

Matzo Brie (pronounced bry).

The holiday of Passover lasts for eight days. Many strictly observant jews will not mix their matzo bread with water at all during the first seven days. The reason for this is because there is a collective worry that there may be some flour inside the small tiny bubbles of the matzo with which the water might mix. If that mix is put in the oven and bakes, the person will accidently have baked chametz — any dough and water baked together to the point where the dough rises — which is a tremendous transgession for a religious Jew on Passover. The eighth day of Passover is the day which G-d split the Red Sea for the Hebrews who had an angry horde of charioted and mounted Egyptians chasing them on their heels. Since on this day there was such a great revelation of G-d in this natural world by miraculously intervening, it is believed by modern-day Jews that on this day G-d will not allow there to be a Jew who makes chametz by mistake. Therefore, many Jews make a point to make dishes which mix matzo and water.

I hope that was clear and understandable.

One of the most famous ashkenazaic dishes which is made on that day is matzo brie. Matzo brie comes out as a pie with a moist and inflated texture. It is made by soaking matzo in water in the morning. The you drain it and add other ingredients — whether it be onions or sugar, to be explained shortly — and formed and put into the oven. When it comes out, people just can’t get enough of it. It’s delicious. I’m having a hard time describing to you what the food looks and tastes like.

In my house, matzo brie is served in two distinct ways. Sweet and salty. The sweet recipe comes from my maternal grandmother who is of Hungarian origin. In school, whenever cole slaw served, on of my friends would put on sugar. He explained that that is how his grandmother would make cole slaw — with a lot of sugar — and she comes from Hungary. I derived from this that Hungarian cuisine tends to stress thee sweet tooth.

The salty recipe comes from my father’s mother, who is Ukranian. A prominent part of Russian and Ukranian cuisine can definitely be said to be salt. This is an insight into the influences of different ethnic origins and national tastes, which were in turn influenced by the abundant produce of the country.

This is one of those dishes that will only taste good if it was made on the day which it is supposed to be made. Meaning, if in middle of December time, one were to make this dish, not only would it not as satisfactory, but it may not even be appealing. That doesn’t mean that the dish isn’t good, it’s just that is the way the world works. Some things only work in the right setting with the right people. That’s the beauty of the holidays. It provides a utopia of the right setting with the right people in middle of the year which is generally mundane, and for some more than others it can be the wrong setting with the wrong people more often than not. Holidays — one of the best ideas G-d gave us.






What Lions Eat

Groner 1

Mendel Groner

Professor Sarah Sassone

ENG 101

October 13, 2015

Lions and What They Eat

The lion is truly mighty symbol. It signifies majesty, splendor, and kingship. The proverbial King of the Jungle, it rules over all other animals in the fables of men. The graceful lion overlooks the entire animal kingdom and judges it with superb and true honesty. With just its mane, the alpha male can intimidate multitudes of dangerous predators. The real lion, of course, is much different, but fascinating nonetheless. As majestic as the lion is crowning a glorious mane, it is mostly lazy and can be a bully. Lions spend most of their time sleeping and relaxing ( It is usually the female lionesses that go out to hunt ( After the prey is neutralized, the entire pride comes to feast – and it is the alpha male who pushes forward to claim the most meat! It is possible that even the very lioness who hunted the meat will have to wait its turn to feed (

But what do lions eat? We know they eat meat, but what sort of meat, from what animals? And how much do they eat, how often? Do they also eat herbs, grasses, or plants, or are they obligate carnivores, meaning that they can only eat meat and nothing else?

Lions are opportunistic hunters, meaning that they will hunt and eat according to the current state of food supply. Is food is scarce, then a lion will eat a lot, so one meal can provide sustenance for a couple of days, even five or six. In fact, “lions can eat up to 90 pounds of meat in one meal if need be. To put it into perspective, we humans will eat maximum four pounds a day”( This opportunistic way of hunting and eating which the lions possess, can also lead them to veer to smaller sizes than their average meal. The average meal means the meal a lion will eat when food income is

Groner 2

steady and prey is being caught almost every day of the week. The average meal is 15 pounds for a

male, and 11 for a female. Sometimes lions will eat also smaller animals weighing about under 100 pounds(

So we now know how much they eat, but what do they eat? Lions eat the meat of medium-sized prey. These animals weigh between 110 pounds and 550lb. Most of these animals are deer-like and herbivores, which travel in herds across the Savannah or plains. These animals are also usually hunted by other predators. A list of some: Impala, Zebra, Deer, Nilgai, Eland, Wild Boar, Warthogs, Kudu, Gemsbok, Springbok, Hartebeest, Wildebeest, and Thomson’s Gazelle. The lions will hunt these animals, hopefully kill it first, and carry on to eat it. Most of the time the hunting is done in groups, but sometimes it is done by an individual. If the hunter is with the pride, then when the pride hears the noise of the prey dying or crying out, it signals that the meal is ready. The entire pride will converge and devour the meat, picking it clean, eating every last bit of salvageable meat. During this time, these big cats can get a bit aggressive; there is only one animal to feed on, and a pride of nigh on eighteen to feed. The alpha male will get first picks, and after him the female hunters and cubs. I mentioned they get a bit aggressive; it usually doesn’t escalate into anything serious (

Listed above were some of the main animals which lions will eat, which are all medium-sized. There is another animal which plays a large part in the diet of a lion, but it is much bigger and heavier: the Cape Buffalo. This animal, also known as the African Buffalo, weighs a lot. Anywhere from 600lb

up to 19000lb ( Lions will sometimes hunt small rhinos, young elepahants, or giraffes, but these less often, as they pose a threat to the lion as a formidable enemy. A giraffe can give a lion a good buck and severely injure it (

I mentioned above that lions will hunt these animals. It is important to note that in some places more than others, more than half of a lions yearly diet is made up of scavenged food, meaning carrion

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of prey killed by other predators! Sometimes the lions will even chase off predators from prey they hunted. The former will then wait impatiently for the lions to leave so they can scavenge whatever is left. Sometimes, hyenas will do the same to lions too, chasing them away from the lions’ own recent kills (

Regarding whether or not lions eat grass, the answer is twofold; they are obligate carnivores. They do not possess of digestive tract long enough to support the eating of plants and herbs. From time to time, however, lions will eat grass. The reason for this is so that the lions can clean out their systems. When a lion eats the grass, it will regurgitate it soon afterwards. Sometimes during the feeding process some undesirable things can enter into the system: pieces of bone or lumps of lion hair, or hair of the prey, which will make digestion difficult. At times like these, lions will eat grass to clear out their systems (Yahoo).

Will lions eat humans? A much discussed question. Simply, the answer is no. Lions will not hunt humans the way they would regular prey. If food is scarce, however, it is very possible that a lion will hunt and eat a human. If it feels threatened, it may attack a human as well. There have been some instances where there existed man-eaters, lions which intentionally hunted humans. A possible explanation is that they simply grew fond of human meat. Or that said man-eaters are sickly, and wounded, and hunting is difficult already ad it is, but humans may be easier prey. I repeat: mainly, the answer is that, no, lions will not eat humans, but it is definitely not unheard of, and lions are not safe to be around (unless you’re Kevin Richardson – lion whisperer) (

Let us now discuss the current habitat and population situation of the lions. From early historic times, lions were located all over Eurasia, India and Africa. We see lions mentioned in many ancient Roman and Greek texts, proving they populated the Mediterranean. Similar evidence is found about lions in India, Africa, the middle, East, etc. (interesting note: lions are mentioned in Homer’s Iliad quite

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often, signifying a strong cultural presence). By early 2nd century AD, lions had been wiped off the

European and Middle Eastern maps, completely, having been hunted and annihilated by the societies and peoples there( Lions are now only found in two places in the world: In the Gir Forest in India a mere approximate 250 lions exist! In 1955 only a few pairs were left, and were placed in the heavily guarded Gir Forest National Park,where they have been since. The second place, is the entire area of sub-Saharan Africa; only there are they numerous, and even so, their numbers are unnerving. The International Union for Conservation and Natural Resources (IUCN) has announced that thelion population has decreased 21% in the past 21 years. The website has estimated this to be a shocking 20,000. The IUCN has also declared the lion a vulnerable species, which is just one step short of being endangered. (

There are many simple reasons for why the lion is in such a state. People have always had a negative disposition towards lions on two points: 1) They are dangerous and hurt human beings, and 2) They eat from the livestock of animal-owners. This is a nuisance and a loss of money. For this reason, until recent times, especially when lions populated the entire Afro-Eurasia, lions were killed on sight. This is how and why they were made extinct from most of the world. There are two more things: 3)The prize of killing a lion as a trophy, or for the skin, or fur of the mane. 4) As our population grows, and we inhabit more and more space, we take away from the animals habitat, which in turn causes a shortage of space and prey. Carnivores such as the lion require large spaces of habitat to lead their lives. (Latcher, 86)

All in all, this has been an enlightening essay. I learned a lot about the way lions act and interact, and how they go about their lives. Also, a frightening creature has become less intimidating and more understandable to me. Importantly I have learned more in-depth the current situation of a “vulnerable” species. When you just hear that an animal is endangered, it can be accepted superficially,

Groner 5

but actually learning about lions, and then finding out about the current state of the species had a much stronger impact on me.

Groner 6

Works Cited

“African Lions”. September 19, 2007. Web. October 13, 2015.

“Cape Buffalo”. January, 21, 2004. Web. Octeober.

“IUCN”. Augut 28, 2015. Web. October 13, 2015.

“Hunting and Habitat”. April 16, 2009. Web. October 13, 2015.

“Lions”. June 14, 2012. Web. October 13, 2015.

“Lions Facts”. March 28, 2010. Web. October 13, 2015.

Latcher, Thomas, E. “Encyclopedia of Deserts.”

Secret Restaurant Recipe

Before I begin, I want to remark that when I first started out with this assignment I was thinking “how am I going to do this?” The only time that I had ever opened a cookbook was begrudgingly when I was ordered to make a certain dish. I also didn’t realize how much content that cookbooks contain; I thought it was just a boring book of recipes.

What I found instead was a book full of tips , techniques and advice. And it was all saturated with character. It is comparable to a book which teaches w=how to play guitar or an instrument, or any other skill, but a bit different. With instructional books teaching a new skill, to properly reap benefits,f the reader is required to read all the material in order, and is considered a student. With cookbooks, it’s different. Anyone can cook. And you can just leaf through and pick something which catches your attention. And the voice which narrates every recipe and story is like having a friend who is really good at something show you some of his/her own tricks and tools.

And now, to it!

The book which I’m going to discuss today is titled “Secret Restaurant Recipes” written by Leah Schapira and Victoria Dwek. What’s really cool about this book is, as the title implies, the recipes are those that were served to you last night by a professional chef in a four and five-star restaurants. The book has recipes for everything from starters to desert. The layout is very simple. It is organized by dish, not restaurant. By each dish is a little word about that specific restaurant and chef, sometimes mixed with it a personal experience or connection of one of the authors with it. Also with each dish is a quote from the chef, many times an encouraging word for home cooks. Because that is mainly the demographic of this cookbook. Those who wish to serve five-star meals for their families or a dinner party, etc.

One of the things which I liked about this book is that I recognized mostly all of the restaurants myself personally. Some I myself ad gone to, some are household words, and some my friends had gone to and told me about. Interestingly, the fact that these places were mentioned in this cookbook, and regarded with reverence put in me a desire to return to some of those which I had already been to, now that I see them in a different light. Also, I feel now that I have an arsenal of good dishes to order when I go to restaurants, something which I find very hard usually.

In the book, the authors will frequently reveal the method which they used to serve the dish in the picture. That is something which I also find very interesting — how the photos of the food is taken. Because the way it looks in the picture is alway fantastic compared to the way it comes out in real life in many cookbooks. That is very usual. In this book the authors will describe the way they set up the food as well as other options.

Going through and analyzing this book inspired me to attempt cooking some of these classy dishes myself and serve to family and friends. It would be very valuable to attain a skill to cook some recipes, and actually make them well. It would also be nice to cook something on my own for those who I love, I would feel really good. It would be something special of my own accord.

So, yeah, all in all, I think this book is a great cookbook, the authors did a great job. You have great recipes from great chefs in great restaurants all over the world — the jewish world, that is. This is a kosher cookbook. There are also some neat techniques and tricks. Also they have certain things — like fries — which they sort of tell you in the beginning because it is such a focal part of every restaurant menu. So they teach you specific ways to do that really well. They tel you which potatoes are the best (Kennebec) but since that is too expensive, they suggest a more staple one (Idaho). They have a similar piece on thin pizza crust, including a tip to prevent it getting soggy. Because if you like thin crust, you know how that happens, and it sucks. Two methods which I remember is 1) Putting the cheese directly on the crust and then spooning some sauce on top of that. Or 2) Bake the crust a little bit, so it gets hard, and then put on the sauce and cheese.

Check it out online, it’s a cool book. It costs $22 on amazon. This is not a staple cookbook which I’m suggesting. If you want to try some fancy or hip dishes and learn some neat tricks, I suggest you buy it. The fact that it’s kosher only means that there won’t be any dishes which have meat and dairy together, and you won’t see certain ingredients — chiefly among them, any that come from the notorious chazer — pork, bacon, ham.


11 Amazing Things You Should Do With Tofu

All recipes can be found on Just type in the name of the recipe and it’ll come up! Enjoy!


1) Tofu Parmigiana

“Breaded tofu a la parmigiana. You’ll just about swear this is eggplant or veal! I have friend who loves it, and he doesn’t even suspect! Serve with a simple crisp green salad, angel hair pasta and garlic bread.”

2) Coconut Curry Tofu

A mix of three amazing flavors!Coconut Curry Tofu

3) Tofu Lasagna

Another gluten-free alternative to this delicious dish!Tofu Lasagna

4) Tofu Burger

Vegans! Get to the grill! Impress upon your friends that you aren’t “missing out!”Tofu Burgers Recipe - This recipe uses tofu that has been frozen for 72 hours and then quickly defrosted. Onion, celery and cheese make these burgers delicious. This is a family favorite at the Silverwolfs' den. Serve in place of meat as a main entree or place on a bun along with your favorite toppings: lettuce, onion, tomato, mayo, etc. These burgers can also be baked in an oven preheated at 350 degrees for 30 minutes rather than frying.

5) Tofu Tacos

Tuesday Tacos has had a serious revamp!Tofu Tacos I


6) Tofu Turkey

The pilgrims could’ve been vegetarians!

Tofu Turkey II

7)Tofu and Veggies in Peanut Sauce

Tofu and Veggies in Peanut Sauce

My Oh My…


Grilled Tofu Skewers with Sriracha Sauce

Grilled Tofu Skewers with Sriracha Sauce

Sriracha makes everything taste awesome.

9) Tofu Berry Smoothie

Tofu, Banana, Yogurt, Soy Milk, Rasberries, and Orange Juice.

Tofuberry Smoothie

So refreshing!

10) Baked Tofu

Baked Tofu

Keepin’ it simple.

And the last one…

11) Spicy Tofu Salad Bowl

Spicy Tofu Salad Bowl Recipe - This spicy tofu salad bowl recipe includes layering rice, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, and tofu in a bowl and topping it with a spicy sauce for a quick Asian-inspired meal.

Very lush

I Absolutely hate Parsley

I cannot stand it. People seem to like it; I don’t know how. It tastes terrible to me. Whenever I unknowingly eat it, a horrid feeling jars in my stomach, making it feel empty, but lined with a stingy green substance. Toothpaste and mouthwash taste btter than parsley. It tastes like poison. And the worst part is, that it totally and completely  takes over any dish that its put in. If there was chicken seasoned with parsley, the whole thing tastes like parsley!!! I can’t stand it. Its so potent and overwhelming. Sometimes I won’t know that a certain salad has parsley, and it looksfine to me, so I take a nice heaping load of it. I take the first bite…  and I have a mouthful of parsley. I wanna gag. And so many people like and use it, y’know?