Wheat, Now Also GMO

Mendel Groner

Professor Sassone

ENG 101

8 December, 2015
On Monday, the 7th of December, Monsanto announced their newest in the line of genetically modified organisms: wheat.

Titled MON 1738, this new category of wheat opens a plethora of options. The company can take out glutens from the wheat, making it much easier to produce gluten-free wheat products. Gluten free bread from before was grown with gluten, but is extracted from the flour. The company can also modify the nutritional content of the food, raising the protein level, or he amount of fiber. Many Americans do not get enough fiber and this could very much supplement one’s diet.

The company has been testing GMO wheat for the past decade and has been approved by the FDA over a decade ago, in 2004, but has refrained from publishing the product. Now, the company says, it is confident that the newly released organism will be widely received by laypeople and experts alike.

There has been obvious resistance to the company’s announcement. Groups of protesters stood outside Monsanto’s headquarters, in Missouri. They desire an “end to chemical poisoning” and “treacherous treating of plants.”

A conspiracy developed in the 80’s, when the company monopolized the genetically modified crop industry that Monsanto is part of a New World Order which will subdue and oporess people’s independency and free will through slowly and sneakily inserting long-acting chemicals into their bodies through their various chemical engineering techniques. No investigation after such claims has been made by any official group. As Monsanto continues to modify more and more staple foods, regular soccer moms are beginning to worry and find validation in these theories.

“I feed it to my children. It’s nutritious and tasty, and they love it,”  says Mary Granderson, mother of three in White Lake, Michigan. “But it worries me that these scientists are putting God knows what into these foods. Who even are they? Are they human? I don’t know. What they’re doing is extraordinary, so they may not be.”

Meanwhile Obama is allowing the country to wallow in confusion. “The FDA has approved the food; there is no reason to worry about extraterrestrial conspiracies,” said a White House spokesman in a press release this morning which was in response to growing public worry.

Although it seems outlandish, it is an illustration of the fact that people don’t know what is in their food and want to have clear answers.


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