Goodbye, Cereal

Dear Cereal,

Hello. How are you? It has been so long since we last saw each other. I used to pull you out of the cabinet at any time throughout the day and you were there to comfort me. I enjoyed so much your sweet sugary delight and wheat substance all awash in cold white milk. It would hit the spot, you know. But alas, the times have changed.

When I awake in the morning, I immediately set about preparing the making of an omelet. For some reason, only warm, hot food could satiate my hunger now. It is strange, but I feel that my innards have shifted and can no longer tolerate that which they could have some time ago.

How have you been faring? In the arms of whom have you been consoled in the event of my absence? Are there those who still eat you, cereal?

It feels so strange talking to you as a stranger; when in fact our bond was (I thought) eternal. It felt that way then. Indeed, the times have changed.

Perhaps its best that we leave things as they are. I’m sorry  for disrupting the silence which hath lain between us.

I wish you the best,


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