11 Amazing Things You Should Do With Tofu

All recipes can be found on allrecipes.com. Just type in the name of the recipe and it’ll come up! Enjoy!


1) Tofu Parmigiana

“Breaded tofu a la parmigiana. You’ll just about swear this is eggplant or veal! I have friend who loves it, and he doesn’t even suspect! Serve with a simple crisp green salad, angel hair pasta and garlic bread.”

2) Coconut Curry Tofu

A mix of three amazing flavors!Coconut Curry Tofu

3) Tofu Lasagna

Another gluten-free alternative to this delicious dish!Tofu Lasagna

4) Tofu Burger

Vegans! Get to the grill! Impress upon your friends that you aren’t “missing out!”Tofu Burgers Recipe - This recipe uses tofu that has been frozen for 72 hours and then quickly defrosted. Onion, celery and cheese make these burgers delicious. This is a family favorite at the Silverwolfs' den. Serve in place of meat as a main entree or place on a bun along with your favorite toppings: lettuce, onion, tomato, mayo, etc. These burgers can also be baked in an oven preheated at 350 degrees for 30 minutes rather than frying.

5) Tofu Tacos

Tuesday Tacos has had a serious revamp!Tofu Tacos I


6) Tofu Turkey

The pilgrims could’ve been vegetarians!

Tofu Turkey II

7)Tofu and Veggies in Peanut Sauce

Tofu and Veggies in Peanut Sauce

My Oh My…


Grilled Tofu Skewers with Sriracha Sauce

Grilled Tofu Skewers with Sriracha Sauce

Sriracha makes everything taste awesome.

9) Tofu Berry Smoothie

Tofu, Banana, Yogurt, Soy Milk, Rasberries, and Orange Juice.

Tofuberry Smoothie

So refreshing!

10) Baked Tofu

Baked Tofu

Keepin’ it simple.

And the last one…

11) Spicy Tofu Salad Bowl

Spicy Tofu Salad Bowl Recipe - This spicy tofu salad bowl recipe includes layering rice, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, and tofu in a bowl and topping it with a spicy sauce for a quick Asian-inspired meal.

Very lush

I Absolutely hate Parsley

I cannot stand it. People seem to like it; I don’t know how. It tastes terrible to me. Whenever I unknowingly eat it, a horrid feeling jars in my stomach, making it feel empty, but lined with a stingy green substance. Toothpaste and mouthwash taste btter than parsley. It tastes like poison. And the worst part is, that it totally and completely  takes over any dish that its put in. If there was chicken seasoned with parsley, the whole thing tastes like parsley!!! I can’t stand it. Its so potent and overwhelming. Sometimes I won’t know that a certain salad has parsley, and it looksfine to me, so I take a nice heaping load of it. I take the first bite…  and I have a mouthful of parsley. I wanna gag. And so many people like and use it, y’know?

My Kitchen and Cooking Techniques

When I make food, I usually make sandwiches. Its the food I want, and its the food I can make. In the morning, I usually make an egg sandwich or wrap. First things first I get out my wraps. They’re stored in the fridge in the same drawer where we store our deli and beer. I put it in the microwave for thirty seconds, or I just heat it over the stove flame. Then I get out of my fridge my condiments, mayo, ketchup, mustard, salsa, tomato sauce, sauerkraut. Whatever I’m in the mood of. I then reach for my frying pans, which is stored with all my other pots ‘n pans under the counter at a round turn-around drawer. I don’t watch chefs on TV to see how they cook. I just go for how I feel.  I don’t use cookbooks either; I’m making sandwiches I just go for what looks good at the moment. I would use anything to enhance my dish, really, I’m not too picky. Except for parsley, cilantro and maybe dill.